
I'm Tushant

a student

cloud mountain
Tushant Dagur


Currently pursuing BCA from Chandigarh University.Want to be a Software Engineer.I 🧡 Coffee☕, Music🎧and Coding💻.

My Interest


Programming and Web Development

I am Interested in Programming and Web Development because I want to create my own video games,apps and websites.Recently I am in Learning Process.


Coffee and Coding

Actually I don't have a problem with caffeine.I have problem without it.I love to have a Cup of Coffee while Coding because it gives energy and power to tackle the error/bug of your code.
💻+☕=90% chance of Error Free Code.

Get In Touch

If you are also Coffee☕ and Music🎧 addicted.

"Never Underestimate the Importance of Being Properly Caffeinated."Let's talk about the addiction of coffee and music having a Cup of Coffee with you.

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